Overall, I give this book 4.5 stars out of 5. Anyhow, I have now put the Pretty Little Liars series on my Christmas wishlist. If that is the worst thing that someone can say then I guess it's not too bad.

I want to know what happens and now I have to wait until the next book comes out. You never find out who the killer is and I realize this is going to be a series but when that happens I almost feel ripped off.

I also hate leaving a book on such a cliffhanger. The only thing that I really didn't like was the fact that it was over so quickly. Shepard didn't disappoint with this novel that's for sure. I love the show and I was excited when I got this book through NetGalley. I haven't read the Pretty Little Liar series but I have just recently started watching the show. This is all compounded by the fact that this group of friends plays horrible games with each other and everyone in town.

At every corner there is someone new who may or may not be the killer. I say little because it is just a little over 200 pages and thus it is quite an easy and quick read. Well, I have to say that I quite enjoyed this little book.