The comic was originally just a doodle that was supposed to be seven pages long. While Vernon did plan out a lot of the comic, and some of the plot points had been coming for years, there was also a lot that was made up as she went along. Since it was originally a webcomic, the pacing is rather odd in some places. A very peculiar epic," which is as good a summary as any. Or as the top of the comic webpage says, "A wombat. And it's about proper tunnel bracing, structural integrity, and always, always remembering Tunnel 17. It's about how most conflict doesn't come from people who are innately evil, but merely from good people who have conflicting motivations and goals. It's about how difficult it is to teach morality to someone who doesn't have any cultural framework at all to hang any of the teachings on. It's about the reason why hyenas are matriarchal and have so many stillbirths. It's about a child with a destiny and her animal sidekick who dispenses practical advice, except from the perspective of the animal sidekick and maybe the destiny isn't quite what everyone thinks. It's a bit hard to describe the plot of Digger in a way that sounds remotely comprehensible to anyone who isn't familiar with it. If you haven't read Digger yet, you can can go here and do it for free. *You can read it for free (and should start right away - Google it, right now). *It helps you fall in love with wombats, who by all rights ought to replace dwarves as the default underground fantasy creatures. *It ends exactly soon enough, after just enough pain and loss and victory and hope. (How often do you see a side character abandon a quest because "I like you guys, but I actually have other stuff to do"? Not often enough.) With the possible exception of the humans, every single speaking role in Digger is filled by someone with a story to tell, and a life outside the story, and a deep concern for their own goals and well-being. *Most of the other characters could also fight for that title. I'm not someone who normally crushes on fictional animals, but. I want to marry her and be her best friend and take a geology class with her all at once. *The titular protagonist is one of my favorite characters in any book. I'd be happy to live in a world where every geeky teenager reads the whole series at some point. Digger ought to be roughly a thousand times more popular. Redwall meets Lord of the Rings meets Discworld, with the virtues of all three and almost none of the vices.